Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Joba in Smoking Gun

According to Newsday, Joba Chamberlain has made the Smoking Gun. Of course that's not an accomplishment. It just means you've been busted for something.

Shame on Newsday for their headline: "Report: Joba ripped New Yorkers during DUI stop"

Newsday is trying to sell newspapers and online subscriptions, but come on. Joba's comments were spot on and would make an New Yorker's heart swell with pride.
During a friendly conversation with Trooper Michael Grummert, the officer who pulled him over, Chamberlain said that "opening a door and saying please and thank you" were uncommon in New York.

The 23-year-old also told Grummert that while in Nebraska, if you let someone cut you off, they would roll down their window and say thanks, in New York "they might hit you. It's a joke."

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