Friday, April 24, 2009

Don't Try to Kick the Yankees Around

Major League Soccer has never drawn fans like major league baseball has, but that didn't stop MLS commissioner Don Garber from criticizing the Yankees.

Randy Levine responded today.

“Don Garber discussing Yankee attendance must be a joke,” Levine said Friday. “We draw more people in a year than his entire league does in a year. If he ever gets Major League Soccer into the same time zone as the Yankees, we might take him seriously.

“Hey Don, worry about Beckham, not the Yankees. Even he wants out of your league,” he said.

Garber actually didn't say much.

“It’s incomprehensible that you watch a game, and there will be front-row seats empty,” Garber said.

He still clarified his remarks after hearing of Levine's diatribe.

“When I mentioned the New York Yankees yesterday, my comments were part of a larger assertion that all businesses—even the most successful sports entities—are experiencing some impact from the economic downturn,” Garber said through a league spokesman.

“The Yankees are one of the world’s strongest sports brands and the context of my comments about a few empty seats at Yankee Stadium was to illustrate the economic challenges we are all facing,” he said.

Cat fight over.

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