Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pope on a Rope

Minor league baseball tries many different things to put fans in the seats, but the Yankees class 'A' Charleston River Dogs may have come up with one of the most unique. Pope Benedict XVI will be visiting the US shortly, and will be making a much ballyhooed stop at Yankee Stadium. The River Dogs would like to have the Pope make a visit to South Carolina while he's here.

In order to entice the Pope, the River Dogs held a "Pope on a Rope" promotion this past weekend against the Rome (very appropriate) Braves. It's a normal bar of soap on a rope, but this soap comes with a likeness of the Pope right on it.

Minor League Dugout described it's aroma as "reasonably good – somewhere between church incense and urinal cake". We're not sure that means reasonably good, but we'll go along with them on this one.

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