"I, Hideki Matsui, was married yesterday in New York City," Matsui said. "The bride is a 25-year-old civilian and had been formerly working in a reputable position at a highly respected company."
Matsui said he was introduced to the woman in Japan after the 2006 season, and that the wedding plans -- a traditional ceremony, he said -- have been in the works for six months. He said she attended a few Yankees games last season.
"I met somebody who felt right and that was it," Matsui said. "Hopefully, this event will be a good thing for me as a baseball player."
Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Godzilla."Who told you that?" Jeter said quizzically, before dashing over to Matsui to check out the story for himself.
Mark it down. This, Jeter said, surprised him. Now, Jeter has a one year handicap to find a lucky lady and get hitched, or else dole out some cash to the Matsuis.
"He won," Jeter said. "I got one year? No chance. I'll give him the money today. That's pretty good, though. He's sneaky. I should have known he was up to something."
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