One thing Posada was quick to correct was the use of the word, "A-Fraud", to describe Alex Rodriguez.
Posada hasn't read the book yet, but plans to pick it up. So far his reactions have been based on the excerpts released, and the media's reaction to the book.And, Posada said, the infamous "A-Fraud" moniker for Alex Rodriguez was nothing more than a clubhouse joke uttered solely by former bullpen catcher Mike Borzello - now with Torre in Los Angeles - in front of Rodriguez himself. Rodriguez, Posada said, would be among those chuckling while Borzello tweaked him.
"There was not one player on those teams that said those words," Posada said. "Never. If we heard it, it was just (Borzello) messing with Alex and Alex would be right there and he'd be laughing about it. It was never out of disrespect at all. . . . It was never said behind his back by any teammate."
"Joe's done nothing wrong, in my eyes. He's been a father figure to me, so I don't think he can do any wrong."
Torre was on with Mike Francesa this afternoon and repeated much of what we've already heard in prior interviews and comments. It's clear that some things written were Tom Verducci without consulting Torre, but Torre defended his friend and co-author, and stands by the book. You can listen to the complete interview on the WFAN website.
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