The first impression I had of Andruw Jones was not a happy one. He had just crushed an Andy Pettitte pitch deep into the night in Game 1 of the 1996 World Series. To make matters worse he had this hideous little smirk like he was so proud of himself. His first impression was a good one, but not a good one to me.
Things didn't get better later in the game when he hit a second bomb. This pimply faced (I don't know if he really had pimples) kid, who hadn't come on to the scene until August, had just hit two home runs en route to a Braves 12-2 route of the Yankees.
I had waited 18 years for the Yankees to return to the World Series and a blow out was not what I had in mind. To make matters worse the 19-yr old Jones had become the youngest player to hit a home run in a World Series game...breaking Mickey Mantle's record...Mickey Mantle!
Flash forward to January 20, 2011. Andruw Jones is now a Yankee. He signed a one year, $2 million deal that includes $1.2 million in incentives. Jones will back up all three outfield positions, pinch-hit, and see some occasional time at DH.
Jones won't hit for average, but still has some power, can drive in some runs, and draws walks. He's not the Gold Glove outfielder he once, but his creeky body can still play some outfield. Hopefully he's playing in the World Series in Yankee Stadium again this year, but wearing the home pinstripes this time around.
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