Joe Girardi has more than enough on his plate tonight- his team is down two games to one in the ALCS and A.J. Burnett is starting for the Yankees- but the Yankees manager lost a big bargaining chip for his future today.
That's because the Chicago Cubs announced that they are making interim manager Mike Quade the full time manager for 2011. Girardi certainly had to have his interest piqued having been born and raised, gone to college, and having played in the area, when Lou Piniella announced his intention to retire at season's end. But because Piniella left early, Quade got a chance to show what he can do and the Cubs front office was apparently impressed by it. They gave their new head man a two year deal with an option for 2013.
Girardi had downplayed his interest all season, preffering to concentrate on this season, answering questions about his future only when the Yankees were in the windy city to play the White Sox.
The odds still say that Girardi remains Yankees manager in 2011. Now if there were only some better odds on starting A.J. Burnett.
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