If you are passionate about sports, you know how much joy there is when your team or an individual you follows succeeds. And you know just how painful and sorrowful it is when said team or player fails.
I'm there right now. For the first time in their illustrious NBA history, the Boston Celtics lost a 7th game of a playoff series. To make matters worse, it was the NBA finals where the Celtics couldn't hold off the Los Angeles Lakers and lost 83-79. The Celtics have 17 titles, just one more now than the Lakers. And it hurts.
It hurt last night when I couldn't fall asleep. It hurt today when I inadvertently saw things referring to the Lakers championship. No, I don't watch the post-game when the other team wins.
And let me interrupt myself to say, yes, I do have my priorities in order. I have much more on my plate to concern myself with. That being said..
Even if you don't follow pro basketball, you can identify with me if you are passionate about any team in any sport. This felt like the 2001 World Series all over again. A 3-2 lead, blown out on the road in game 6 and then come so close to winning game 7.
The huge difference here was that the Lakers really earned this, the Diamondbacks had it handed to them. I even wore my Mariano Rivera bp jersey with the 2009 WS logo for some good luck. That luck ran it out in the 4th quarter.
Sad. Mopey. Etc.
p.s. Kobe, you're still a douchebag.
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