Friday, January 16, 2009

Anybody Got a 5?

Still no Andy Pettitte, still no sure #5 starter in the Yankees' rotation. We thank you for participating in our most recent poll - What should the Yankees do about Andy Pettitte?

We were a bit surprised by the number of people (31%) who said let him walk. We think there's a direct correlation to his HGH use, as well as leaving once before, and that poll selection.

The highest vote total (40%), of the 86 readers who answered the poll, agreed with our choice- add incentives to the $10 million guarantee.

"Stick to your guns" and keep the offer where it's at came in third (20%), while giving in and giving Pettitte $16 million was last with just 8 voters opting for that choice.

Now we'll sit back and see how this all plays out.

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