Seriously, I love you man!
Work it girl
El Capitan
Because you haven't seen enough
Pettitte pics yet
Must have seen Giambi's hair
"Cash, I need to take you clothes shopping"
Really, like one of the fancy stores you go to?
Jorgie, A-Rod, and Andy share a laugh
We don't even want to know
1/4 of the 1st Base Contingency
Now remember to release the ball
Giambi will play a lot of 1st. What was I thinking?!
Why is he looking at the camera?
Johnny D.
The other guy is Eduardo Nunez
When will they stop taking my picture?
No question its good to have Damon in shape
A-Rod getting a jump on spring
Yankees newest millionaire, Robinson Cano
A little self promotion
How did I strike out with Sienna Miller?
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