As you read these comments, a lot of them from the top players in the game, you know that it's mainly scrubs and jealous players that call
Derek Jeter overrated.
NY Daily News:
Joe Torre (in section 121B): In the end, though, "I don't think it could've been scripted any better - Yankee Stadium, day game, Saturday afternoon, playing one of your division rivals and the best pitcher on their staff out there," Torre said. It was apt that
Jorge Posada was in the lineup and was the first to greet Jeter at the plate, Torre said, and that
Mariano Rivera closed the game.
Perfect for Jeter, who "is about as loyal a Yankee and proud to be a Yankee as anybody I've ever been around," Torre said. "This was just so heartwarming for me. My daughter was here, my wife. I can't tell you what this meant to me."
From NJ.com (Star Ledger):
Alex Rodriguez: “Only a guy like Derek Jetercan have a day, and a moment, and a hit like he had today.”
ESPNBoston: Prior to their own game, Boston gathered around the TV set to watch some history.
Dustin Pedroia: "It's not just me, it's the whole league. This guy has played the game right for a long time. He's a first-ballot Hall of Famer and when he's done, I don't think there will be a bad thing said about him. He's a first-class guy. He's a winner. The highest praises you could say about a guy is what you would say about Jeter."
Tim Wakefield: "It's a fitting tribute to a guy that has spent his whole career with one organization and has been a true professional his whole career there. For him to get 3,000 hits in the amount of time that he's done it is pretty amazing. It shows how great of an athlete he is and I have the utmost respect for him the way he goes about his business. He's as professional as anyone. It's pretty cool that I've faced him the most times of anybody."
Terry Francona: "If you like baseball, he's a lot of what's good in baseball. He respects the game. He plays the game right. He makes me proud for the way he goes about his business."
Jason Varitek: "For anyone, that's a fabulous feat. To be a part of it in your generation of players is pretty neat. He's been a superstar pretty much since Day 1 that I've been in this uniform and have played against him. He's carried himself that way, he's played that way and there's a reason he has 3,000 hits."
"A great part of my career are the head-to-head battles with that organization. That has been hundreds and hundreds of games. It's been fun. I have the utmost respect for him as a player, the way he conducts himself and the way he conducts himself as a champion."
Jonathan Papelbon: "He's been one of the true statesmen of the game. He plays the game the right way," Papelbon said. "From my perspective, I've always loved to compete against him. Every time I have an at-bat against him, it seems like it's a 12- to 15-pitch at-bat. For me, and for this season, it's one of the high points of baseball."
From the NY Times:
Terry Collins: “I thought it was tremendous, not only for Derek Jeter, but it was great for baseball,” he said. “He’s one of the true great players and to do what he did today to celebrate 3,000 hits is incredible.”
Collins said he expected more magical chapters from Jeter.
“You know, if you wrote a story, that would be the ending to it,” he said. “When he’s going to retire, the last game he’s going to get four hits and get the game winner and he’s going to make a play in the hole and make a jump throw to first and nip the guy in the bottom of the ninth inning and the Yankees are going to win the last game and the World Series.”
From SignOnSandiego.com:
Tony Gwynn: “Jeter did it right. That was great. I know a lot of guys, including me, the mindset that you had your entire career is out the window as you get close to 3,000. I went into a homestand needing 12 hits. No problem. I got six. I needed six in St. Louis, got five. That was the most I pressed in my career.” “It’s still cool, 3,000 is one of those moments you never forget.”
From ESPNNew York:
Casey Kotchman, who tipped his cap to the Yankees legend as Jeter broke into his home run trot past him.: "I felt like that was the right thing to do out of respect for what he's done and what he means to the sport," Kotchman said. "On a single or a double I thought I'd have my chance to shake his hand and give him a hug and say congratulations first. When he went in the seats, that wasn't going to happen and I wasn't going to be able to shake his hand so I tipped my cap."
Johnny Damon, former teammate: "It was a great moment for Derek, his family and the history of the Yankees franchise. Derek stands for the good stuff in baseball. I'm proud of him."
David Price: "I feel like everyone in this locker room has mutual respect for Derek Jeter, probably everybody in baseball, it's not like he's done anything to anybody to have not the same amount of respect as everybody else," Price said. "He's done it the right way and I know a lot of guys respect him."
Joe Maddon: Maddon said it was a great day at Yankee Stadium, while saying it was unfortunate Jeter went 5-for-5 against his team, including the game-winning RBI in the eighth inning. He said his team will always remember being part of this game and he has an appreciation for what happened.
From Miami Herald:
Jack McKeon: “It’s nice to see a guy do that, especially at his home park,” Marlins manager Jack McKeon said.
Randy Choate, former teammate: “That guy has lived a pretty storied career,” Choate said. “I don’t know what more you could want, and it couldn’t happen to a better person.”
NY Post:
Wade Boggs: "It is an exclusive honor, achieved by only a select group, that not many people can call their own," Boggs said in a statement. "It is a monumental achievement, and Derek has climbed the mountain. He's reached that honor, where he can stake his flag in the mountain and call it his own."
"I had no doubts that Derek would reach this milestone," Boggs said. "He is a very consistent player and he never deviated from his game."